22 Oct 2024, 05:09

SSL Expired? These are the risks that lurk and how to overcome them!

Sertifikat SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is an important security layer that protects data transmitted between servers and users. With SSL, data such as login information, payment details and other personal data is encrypted, making it safe from cyber attacks. However, SSL certificates have a validity period, and when the validity period expires or SSL expired, your website can face various dangerous risks. This article will discuss what risks arise when your SSL expires and how to overcome them.

1. Risk of Cyber ​​Attacks Increases

When your SSL expires, intermediate encryption server and the user is stopped, so that the transmitted data becomes vulnerable to eavesdropping by third parties. Hackers can easily steal data sent over connections that are no longer secure, such as credit card information or user personal data. This can have a serious impact on the security and reputation of your website, especially if you manage sensitive data.

2. Visitor Trust Decreases

When your SSL certificate expires, browser will display a warning "Connection is not secure" or "Your connection is not private" to your website visitors. These warnings can make visitors feel insecure and reluctant to continue visiting your site. As a result, website traffic decreases and the potential for conversion is lower. Users' trust is very difficult to regain if they have already felt unsafe when visiting your site.

3. Decrease in Search Engine Rankings

Google and other search engines pay great attention to aspects security website, including the use of SSL. If your SSL expires, Your website's ranking in search results can drop because it is no longer considered safe for visitors. This can have a negative impact on your website's visibility, reducing the number of visitors coming through organic search. Secure websites with active SSL certificates usually get higher preference in search engines.

4. Potential Legal Issues

In some industry, especially those related to finances or health, Active use of SSL is a requirement for compliance with data security regulations. If your SSL expires, you could be deemed to have violated certain regulations, which could result in sanctions or fines. Keeping SSL active is one way to ensure that your website remains compliant with applicable data security standards.

How to Resolve Expired SSL

Resolve SSL issues expired It's actually quite simple, but requires regular attention. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. We recommend that you renew your SSL before the expiration date to ensure your connection remains secure. Many SSL providers offer automatic renewal options to avoid this.
  2. Choose an SSL certificate from a provider that has a good reputation and provides full support, such as DigiCert. Quality SSL providers usually provide notification services before the certificate expires, so you don't miss an important moment.
  3. If you manage multiple domains or websites, use an SSL management tool automatic can help monitor the status of SSL certificates across all your sites and make the renewal process easier.
  4. Use professional services to management SSL can help you ensure that your website always has an active and up-to-date SSL certificate. This will help prevent security risks caused by neglecting to update SSL.

Expired SSL can invite various risks, starting from cyber attacks to a decrease in rankings in search engines. Therefore, it is important for every website owner to always ensure that their SSL certificate remains active and up to date. By paying attention to SSL security, you not only protect visitor data, but also maintain reputation and trust in your website.

Digicert is software that Thrive can solve for your SSL needs. By using DigiCert, you will get a high-quality SSL certificate that is easy to manage and can be renewed automatically. Contact us now for more information on how Thrive can help you keep your website secure with DigiCert and other SSL solutions!

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